Haroon Bijli

Writing, Marketing, Digital, Content

So What If There Is No Vocabulary?

That’s my little girl. Watch it, be careful with that step. Want to jump? No? Okay then step down carefully. That’s better. Now hold my finger. That’s it, tight and nice.
Walk slowly, don’t pull me along now. I know the path ahead is smooth and there’s no junk on it. You never know till you actually walk down on it, do you? So hold on to your Dad, tightly. I sense you loosening you grip there. Don’t worry, once Dad sees everything’s allright, you can let go. Promise. Not so fast. I know you can walk fast, but that doesn’t mean you have to. These cobblestones only look safe, there’s always a little crack between them. Be careful, you might trip and fall.
Ah. What did I tell you? Why don’t you listen to your Dad these days? Now let me just wipe the dust off your knees. Good thing you’re wearing pants. That’s done, it wasn’t a bad fall, just got a little dust. Tell you what, you don’t tell your mom and I won’t tell her either. No point in getting into trouble with Mom. Give me a kiss now. Will you hold on to my little finger now? Good.
O-k-a-y. You are holding my finger really tight now. What’s on your mind? Something scaring you? No, those boys only look mean. They’re good kids. Now don’t go being scared of mean-looking boys now. At least don’t show you’re scared. That’s right, walk a little faster, show ’em you can walk fast. But keep holding me tight. Good. Dad’s always there, kid.
Ouch. I didn’t know you could pull that hard. You want to run after those kids? Wait a minute – you were scared of them a moment ago? Now you want to chase them down? Listen here, little girl… hey, don’t let go! There, phew. Sometimes I have to hold on to you, okay? Now start walking instead of pulling me back. We’ll get back to those kids when you are nice and ready. Yes, those little cycles are neat, but they won’t let you ride them, at least not now. Okay?
Now where’s your hand? There, hold my finger now. Let’s get a steady pace done here. Step carefully over this little gate here. Okay… you want to run? Go ahead, I’ll run with you. Am not that fast, but don’t worry, I won’t let go, rather, will be within reach. You’ve been here before, so Dad knows you know this place well, and Dad won’t get worried. Go on.
Done already? That was a little short. Oh, were those kids mean to you again? That’s ok, just return their ball. You don’t keep others’ stuff with you. Yes, it looks really colorful, but it’s not yours and I mean it. Good girl.
Okay, let’s head home. And home is in that direction, not the other way you’re pulling me. Yes. This way. Hey, you’re stronger today than you were yesterday. My, is Dad surprised. And secretly proud. And scared. What’s that? No, I’m not crying. No, not laughing either. See, straight face.
Let’s go back now. There, you’re holding me light an easy – that’s the way. You know this path, don’t you? You’ve come here so many times. But you still want to hold my finger? That’s nice. Makes Dad feel good that you don’t let go, even if you can, and even if Dad wouldn’t mind.
At least not for now. But in some time. Yes, you’ll have to go on your own. No, don’t worry, you just stop and turn around whenever you need me. I’ll be there. What if I am not? Mom? Yes, Mom would be there. Emotional? How do you even know that word?
Hey don’t run! Wait for me!

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