Hold My Batter While Things Change Around Me
Many years later, as he faced a supermarket refrigerator stacked with ready-to-eat/cook, this writer was to remember that distant afternoon when his mother took him to buy a wet grinder for the household. My apologies to Colonel Aurelanio Beundia and his creator, but that was exactly what happened. I must have been around six or… Continue reading
Jesus at the Window
Contains colloquial words spoken by dakhni people of south Tamil Nadu. “Abbu! Don’t hit her Abbu! Usko maro nako… Abbuuu!” Thwack. That disgusting sound was all I could hear. But Nur didn’t cry. She kept looking at the ceiling, or maybe at the slow whirling fan. I couldn’t understand. She had been sitting there all… Continue reading
The Family Reunion
It was a lazy mid-morning. We were sitting in the verandah, sipping cups of tea, the newspapers well into their second life as bits of entertainment sections. The brother-in-law tried to keep us interested in the local church gossip; my sister talked fashion and cuisines with her sisters-in-law. The kids were playing somewhere in the… Continue reading
Bus Rides in South India
I usually do some warming-up before I write for work. This is one such, a bit of trip down memory lane. I don’t know if you have ever travelled in mofussil Tamil Nadu towns. I did a lot as a child. Nagercoil, Tirunelveli, Madurai and several districts were places where my parents would drag us… Continue reading
An Astronaut in a Mumbai Local and other AI-generated Images
A selection of artwork generated by DALL-E Continue reading
Tryst With Destiny
Seventy-five years of Indian independence. On an occasion that calls for a solemn observation of a hard-fought freedom and a violent birth, we are in the midst of cacophonic and vacuous celebrations, bereft of any honest stock-taking or introspection. Surely, the nation has achieved much, but for some of us, her achievements are overshadowed by… Continue reading
The Beginning of the End
The story so far: the scene is 2023. The Covid-19 lockdown has continued for three years. It ends abruptly. Read the first part here: http://bij.li/fiction/the-end-of-the-lockdown Dhak dhak dhak dhak dhak. We were swerving. The car behind us sped past, missing us by a couple of inches. I had snoozed off for a few seconds. The… Continue reading
The Stench
This is part of an exercise for a writing course I took during the Covid19 lockdown. We were asked to write a story that starts after a three-year long pandemic-induced lockdown, without using adjectives or words with more than two syllables. I don’t know if it was the choking that woke me or the stench.… Continue reading
Uber has an Incentive Problem
Unless you’re living under a rock or completely off social media – which is the same thing – you’ll have seen a lot of tweets, updates and posts expressing frustration over the declining service levels of app-based cabs, particularly Uber. The internet universe is rife with angst. People are upset being stood up, being refused… Continue reading