What Kids Think When They See Logos
A dad recorded his daughter reacting to several well-known brands. An insightful watch: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4t3-__3MA0&w=560&h=315] If you think about it, you can pick a lot of insights within these four minutes. I like how she goes Cheetah, Cheetah, Cheetah when she sees Greyhound, Jaguar and Puma 🙂 Would love to do this with some Indian brands.… Continue reading
Going Back To The Start: Chipotle
How can you tell the story of your brand in an engaging, delightful and memorable way? You can, and it doesn’t have to be complex. You can be delightfully simple. Take for example, Chipotle. Chipotle, in case you aren’t aware, is an North American food chain which specializes in Mexican food. It’s brand promise is… Continue reading
How can you make an internal social network successful?
I answered this question on Quora, in January 2011. A lot of water has flowed under the bridge, many organizations are deploying internal social networks at breakneck speed, but the basics of adoption remain the same. (Original post here) There is a temptation to go the “if you build it, they will come” route for… Continue reading
A Basket Of Mangoes
When I was a child, every late summer, we would enjoy a basket of mangoes, a luxury in an otherwise austere life. This was our share from a few acres of ancestral property, after all the commercial crop was harvested and sold. Two varieties, mostl… Continue reading
How Much Do We Really Spend On Education? A Look At Myself.
Ever since the Right To Education (RTE) bill was passed, we’ve seen furious debate everywhere (almost everywhere: nobody cares for it outside of India, where education is easily accessible no matter how poor you are). Views are diverse, as they sh… Continue reading
Being Dakhni: An Intro
“So where are you from?””Err… Trivandrum. Pettah.””No. Where are you REALLY from? Where is your native place?””Trivandrum only…””Chumma. (you’re lying) Don’t show jaada (attitude) okay? Idiot.” And he walks away.When I was a kid, many new frie… Continue reading